An eventful day of traveling Loves! It looks like mostly drinking, but I promise there’s substance to the day. Layover in Fort Lauderdale with a signature Floridian Bellini (not pictured). Thus the adventure starts, having to complete a customs form in Spanish (no English forms on the plane). DO download google translate when traveling. It saved my ass & that of my fair weathered seat mates who only spoke once they realized I had the translation juice!!! Unnn hunnn
?. Then on to an arduous customs clearing process. My journey improved as I was greeted with a welcome drink (photo) made wit
h freshly squeezed juice (the juices here are next level) and mint. Think mojito & Bellini had a baby. I ventured out for a bite, to find a nearby restaurant serving a local fish, Sierra . Not a fan, but an experience nevertheless. It was coupled with coconut rice, a local staple. Again, not a fan but will give it a go at a different spot. Still needing dessert & thinking of a night cap,
I checked out El Arsenal: The Rum Box. Highly regarded in Cartagena and lives up to the hype. The Colombian rum shot (photo) with chocolate stirrer was all that. They said “Eat these peppers they aren’t hot”. Albeit thinking peppers and rum
?, I apprehensively ate the peppers. Not sure why or how, but the best damn peppers EVER. Think edamame and peppers had a baby. After picking up some tips from a fellow traveller, I culminated my Rum Box visit with a Coconut Cream Dream (photo). Having a broken charger & technical difficulties, that tapped my evening (grateful as I woke up early and wrote four blog p
osts). Excited for Day 1 as I visit Palenque shortly. RETREAT DAY TAKEAWAY: New found appreciation for my 6 year who has spent the last two years thrown into a Spanish immersion environment. Baby girl you are tough as nails!!! #girlontrack #travellife #trackgirl #cartagena #cartagenacolombia